Craig P Kurtz LMHC, PA
Craig P Kurtz LMHC, PA 


                                                    BRINGING LIVES INTO HARMONY                                                                                                 1680 Smith St, Orange Park, Fl 32073.

                                              11481 Old St Augustine Rd Jax, Fl 32258 





                                              HONESTY,  FORGIVENESS, CONFIDENCE,EXPERIENCE

                                                             (904) 215-5282    

                Private mental health with 30 Years experience in working with couples,  addictions and alcoholism counseling in Florida since 1994

In Office, On Line, virtual counseling , Marriage, PTSD, Grief, Depression

DUI- Probation -Court Ordered

National DUI Treatment Approved

Would you like DRUG FREE Holistic therapies, insight into treatment with CBD and THC, referrals for medicinal marijuana to prescribing physicians, stop smoking, scuba therapy, Weight loss, aromatherapy, hypnotherapy  a  life restructuring instead of Tradional Psychodynamic approaches?


Victim advocasy, domestic violence,  guiding your relationships to harmony, 

Advocate for your driving privaleges or to meet a court  or probation order or to reunite with your family, children  wife or husband!

I offer assistance,

Don't allow past experiences to manipulate, distract you from finding joy and harmony in your life... s....

and guide you and your family and lives into harmony.


Welcome to my practice

(national substance abuse treatment)

As a professional counselor and Integrated with Mental Health Self exploration theraputically...

If you have a busy lifestyle and would still like to take charge of your  DEPRESSION, BIPOLAR, ANXIETY, FEARS, EATING, SMOKING, GAMBLING,  SHOPPING, SEXUAL, DRUG ADDICTION, Opiate addiction with INFORMATION of Medicinal Cannabis , ALCOHOLISM, RELATIONSHIPS,  or MENTAL ILLNESS STOP compramizing your well-being?

Do you suffer from PTSD? I can provide information and direction towards medicinal Marijuana. Are your relationships crippled with anger, the lack of love, suffering  from the hand of a past Abuser, have you become an Abuser? Do you love yourself and find forgiveness difficult?

                                                Is it difficult for you to forgive yourself?

                                                            Can you forgive others?

                                                Is chronic pain linked to your emotional pain?


To improve your life, text, call or email me:

                               904-215-5282, or,                         

Experience my

 Integrated holistic and emotional approach to anxiety or depression. This is the treatment for you. See what this approach can do for you.

FEES BEGIN AT $150.00 for a personal evaluation,                                     $125.00 for follow up.                              or insurace regulates co-pay, sliding fees for DMV, DUI mandatory clients of $45.00 per session in group, $65.00 per brief individual session $45.00


As a counselor I can assist: You and your Attorney in providing Summaries, Recomedations, Records as needed, even Testimony in Court, My charges for any or all of these begin at $1500.00, I will work with you and your counsel to insure a positive outcome and will always meet HIPPA guidelines!





Problems can seem as if they are weighing heavily on your heart and mind.  Even though you believed they were resolved, they may be hidden under the layers of your life. These problems may have become blocked or stuck in your body and mind. They may begin to appear as physical pain, cancer,  anxiety or overwhelming sadness or depression. Blame and alcoholism/addiction is not the answer. Have you taken sancutary in blaming SELF or others, Have you lost your way?

My integrated approach  with combined therapies is designed specifically for each client and families  needs.


Let me help you challange your depression, anxiety, addiction, marital problems and physical symptoms! I am  knowledgeable in many forms of advanced modalities to assist you in addressing your mental health or addictive behaviors. My services of sessions and a thorough evaluation includes counseling, meditation, exercise, diet ,self hypnosis, marital, couples, group, online education with INSURANCE or EAP in Office- individual sessions.

Sometimes drug and alcohol counseling can both be independent and court mandated. I can offer alternative therapies  with family integration, auricular techniques and self hypnosis, offering a positive influence to healing which help with these related issues, drug and alcohol , smoking cessation and simplify FEAR of withdrawal, depression and anxiety or somatic conditions.

PAIN CAN BE ADDRESSED and I can help you find peace by teaching stress reduction, meditation, 12 step methods, breathing and dietary focus for optimal brain wellness, COMMUNICATION AND LISTENING SKILLS pronmoting recovery from addictions, mental health issues and restore overall wellbeing without dangerous pharmacuticals.


I offer a wide range of services relating to health and wellness in these areas with online educational experiences, by phone or Skype with many EAP plans or at your chosen location with pre-registered experiential sessions. Learn more about this specialized integrated approach and the benefits of turning towards this for positive physical or mental health by learning several stress reduction methods.

Stressed out, anxious, sad, memories from the past causing problems. Are you under attack at the hand of your thoughts or even things other people are saying and doing to you? no one seems to understand and feeling unsure,  legal problems, I can help and understand. 

Been victimized by, accused of or  unable to stop domestic abuse? PAST TRAUMAS? Legal problems? Can't find help? Been mislead into danger?Problems in your family?relationship or   marriage, communication breakdown,  men and womens advocate against domestic violence or marital    problems?

Addiction, drinking for relief, can't stop the thinking or just seeking serenity. Dont turn to drugs and alcohol when your partnership, career or income are threatened. I am your advocate for help. I understand and will guide you to harmony, freedom from addiction, negative self talk and abuse.

Finding Joy and Harmony within both Body and Mind with self awareness

 Treatments may include:

Indepth psychosocial and holistic approaches, evaluation, Life coaching, Hypnotherapy, self hypnosis, integration to nutrition, understanding of aroma and herbal remedies,insight into acupressure skills,  aromatherapies, addiction cessation, psychotherapy, communication skills, introspective self actualization training, self meditation and grounding skills, mindfulness training, behavioral change, understanding reiki and  self sufficiency.

Welcome to my website and a begining to Healing Therapy! If you have a busy lifestyle and would still like to take charge of your health and well-being and improve your life...

Sometimes going outdoors or in the water, Scuba Diving is wonderful Therapy as I can provide PADI certifications 


Craig P Kurtz LMHC, PA

Professional Counseling Services Offered at:

Orange Park :                                1680 SITH ST OP, FL 32073

and                                        Jacksonville                              11481 OLD ST AUGUSTINE RD, JAX , FL 32258 Florida

Office: 1 904-215-5282
E-mail Address:

Thank You .... Please scroll down and see all of our Services


Land Lines- No Texts- Voice Only

1+ (904) 215-5282 



Contact Us

Phone Consultations:

Craig (904) 215-5282

 Jacksonville, Orange Park    

Sessions are conducted in office, on site or via emai, skpe or teleconferemce as requested...


Or use our contact forms.

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© Craig Kurtz