Craig P Kurtz LMHC, PA
Craig P Kurtz LMHC, PA 


We can Help!

Alcoholism is an addiction that distracts one from self, family and purposeful living...


Ask this question:

Do I have a drink in the morning? Do I drink small amounts of alcohol through out the day?

Do I hide my alcohol?

Do I smoke marijuana in the morning, or through out the Day?

Is there any difference? NO!

Do I require a chemical to feel normal and get thru the DAY?

If you believe or know that you have a problem with alcoholism or substance abuse there is help. I have over fourteen years of experience and am certified in addictions and alcoholism with vast knowledge of many different treatment options. I understand that this problem can seem overwhelming at times and others seem to be aware of it before you do. I have provided links so that you become more informed about support options available to you on the internet (I do not endorse them directly). I provide individual, family, adolescent and group counseling. If you are involved in legal problems we can help. Craig has worked in all aspects of addictions and is very well respected in the community. He is able to assess and direct patients who require more intensive care to both private and public facilities within the community. Often people with substance abuse disorders are diagnosed with coexisting mental illness, Craig has specialized training working with dual disorders. Please don't hesitate to Craig if you wish to schedule a consultation / evaluation and to discuss what types of treatment may work for you. Above are online options to begin the journey back to happiness and freedom from addiction. Our Colorado office offers alternative therapies to help get you through the rough times involved with abstaining from your usual methods of stress relief. For alternative therapy questions contact us!


For the alcoholic, Alcoholic Anonymous is world renowned in its support.
For information
.     for access more information for AA Chats click here or link into one of our many forums for integrated healing.


For family members of alcoholics or children living within this environment click here for AL-ANON / AL-ATEEN and consult with us about the trauma and distress that occurs with the co-dependant and the plight of the enabler.


If you have a problem with drugs other than alcohol Narcotics Anonymous is world renowned for its support. For information click here


.If you're not certain that you have a problem with alcohol or drugs you may investigate some of the criteria that all mental health professionals use to decide this diagnosis click here and look for substance abuse disorders.


Our team will explore an indepth evaluation to find the core issues which when addressed will show the way to peace and serenity.

Craig P Kurtz LMHC, PA

Professional Counseling Services Offered at:

Orange Park :                                1680 SITH ST OP, FL 32073

and                                        Jacksonville                              11481 OLD ST AUGUSTINE RD, JAX , FL 32258 Florida

Office: 1 904-215-5282
E-mail Address:

Thank You .... Please scroll down and see all of our Services


Land Lines- No Texts- Voice Only

1+ (904) 215-5282 



Contact Us

Phone Consultations:

Craig (904) 215-5282

 Jacksonville, Orange Park    

Sessions are conducted in office, on site or via emai, skpe or teleconferemce as requested...


Or use our contact forms.

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© Craig Kurtz